pre-visit information
Preparing for your visit
Please bring your most recent eyeglasses, prescription sunglasses, and any packaging you may have from your previous contact lenses. This will give the doctor accurate information about what you have been using so far.
You should plan on being in the office for about forty-five minutes for most types of visits. This can vary depending on your needs, exam findings, or how long you spend trying on glasses in the optical. If you are visiting us for a routine examination and are pressed for time due to work or other concerns, please notify the front desk.
We accept most medical plans and vision plans for services and materials (glasses and contact lenses) as your coverage allows. We do our best to verify your coverage and help you anticipate your copays before your visit. Please be ready with this information when you call to schedule.
If you have any old eyeglasses sitting around the house, you are welcome to donate them to our Lion's Club donation box! We look forward to seeing you!